Do you see the badge for Really Reasonable Ribbons on the right? To go to their website blog all you have to do is click on it. Don't be too impressed, Joe did this for me too! lol.
So Here is the story of the beginning or birth of a new blog and I promise it will all tie in together. I had a G-mail account set up so I could send pictures in an email from Piccassa, our photo editing program. I have had that for a number of years. As I was drooling over cards on SCS, I notice some of the gals had their own blogs and I would click on them and see all kinds of wonderful things and wished I had a blog of my own.
One day on my vacation last month, I went to the really reasonable ribbon blog to check out the details on a card. They were having a ribbon blog hop and they would pick one winner who left comments along the way. So I went blog hopping. Mostly to see what others had made, but what the heck, I could leave comments and let them know how much I loved their ideas and really great cards.
A week later I was checking my emails (oh yeah, I so subscribe to these most excellent blogs) and noticed one from really reasonable ribbon that read, "congradulations to Holly, you are the winner of our blog hop" and asking me to respond within 48 hours. So off I went to respond. BUT, two Holly's step forward to claim this blog candy. So how to prove I am the Holly that responded.....hmmmmmm? Another email, "The real Holly has a blog that hasn't been set up yet, if they could open up a setting so I can see the email addy...." Okay, so more poking around G-mail and I found out, "hey I really do have a blog with this account!!!" So then I had to wait for Joe to come home and we went through it a bit, decided to name it and I emailed her back. Next email, "The real Holly has just named her blog, if she could email me the name, I would know who the winner is...." KopyKat Creations won me this most excellent ribbon. And thanks to these circumstances, I now have a blog. And I just love this. lol. So here is a picture of the ribbon I won and many thanks to Really Reasonable Ribbon for the blog candy, the growing lessons and experience.